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11F installed! : Update for October 24 th 2018


Updates will begin at October 24, 2018 from 13:00 - 17:00 (Tentative)(JST/UTC +9)

Maintenance Content :

1. 11F Installed
We will see the recently floor soon
The concept is like a dessert with a oasis on it
The monsters look so powerful, starting from the wild eagle and armored golem (?)

The avatar for this floor looks cool with half blue accessory both top and bottom
Glance it looks like 2F avatar

Armor avatars F10 can be produced now

2. New Dungeon
This dungeon serves Halloween smell
Looks how they made it for the accessory!

3. New Orders
Yep, they announced that will be a guarantee order only for 250 Arcana Gems
But nobody know until it release

That's all for this updates, thank you for your attention
Good luck on reaching 100F !!

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