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Types of Weapon Job Skill on Sword Art Online : Integral Factor (SAO : IF)



In Sword Art Online : Integral Factor game there are some weapons job class to be used. There are sword, spear, rapier, hammer, mace, and shield. Every weapons job class have their unique attack, defense, advantage, and deficiency than the others. So, we can think more to decide what weapon that suitable to us and to continue the journey until 100 floor.

1. Sword Job Skill
Sword Job Skill is one handed (1H) typed weapon, beside the own sword we can add shield for our defense and attack although not too much. In addition we can add shield skill to our main character.

Sword job skill advantage are so fast to attack monster and better when we fight against
boss. Why this is efficient when we face the boss? Because we can use hit-and-run technique,
so our HP is safe and we can predict boss's next move. Usually sword job skill is not too
effective when we farming monster because the Area Of Effect (AOE) is not too high in fact
it is low (Except for Sword's Legend Skill : Sachi Xmas -_-).

But the deficiency are the basic attack is so low than others it made we just depend on skill. I can said that the Sword Job Skill is better when you have a great skill (Of course all of weapon job class need this), but when we talking about Sword the basic attack is so useless.

When you get *3 Sword Skill but you dont get the *4 Sword Skill, i am not recomend to continue the game. I recomend you to continue the journey when you have at least one *4 skill, it is better when you get Sachi Xmas or Yuuki Candy *4 skill and one *3 skill like Kirito, etc.

These are the duo legend of Sword Skill

2. Spear Job Skill
 Spear Job Skill is two handed weapon (2H) which it is so powerful to attack  monster and boss.

The advantages of spear weapon are the high damage given by basic attack, the basic attack can touch more than one monster so it is so effective to farming monster, moreover with spear skill that always Area Of Effect (AOE) it is so so effective to grinding level and searching items by beating monster, more advantage is fast cooldown to repeat the skill.

But the deficiency is the spear job skill take a few second to action than the others, we have to read the situation before using the skill that take a few second. If our gameplay just attack the monster with high HP without read the situation we attacked by them when we using the skill. So i can say that spear is not too effective when we want to beat the boss.

One of the best spear skill :

3. Hammer Job Skill
Hammer Job Skil is two handed weapon (2H) that allow us to give a powerful damage to the monster and boss.

The advantages of hammer weapon are powerful attack rate both basic attack and its skill, best for beating the boss because we can use hit-and-run technique to predict boss' movement.

The defieciency are the basic attack is so slow and very very not effective when you farm monster because usually this is single target skill.

4. Rapier Job Skill
This is a one handed (1H) weapon that allow us to using shield for more protection and using its skill.

The  advantage of rapier are so fast to attack, good enough on basic attack than sword, fast on action , and average on cooldown.

The deficiency are one of the lowest basic attack and the rarely of AOE attack. Almost 100% of the skills is single target.

5. Mace Job Skill
This is a one handed (1H) weapon that allow us to using shield for more protection and using its skill. This is only for a support player typed because of the passive of the skills. If you are not suitable to attack the boss in the lead, i recomend you to be a mace user.

The advantage is of course the buff for attack up,  critical up, and defense up not only for yourself but also for your party.

But of course the damage you give to monster or boss is low. I can said that this is the lowest weapon job skill on attack.

6. Shield Job Skill
This is the complement for one handed weapon but i add this type too because it have its own card skills and weapons.

This is the complement weapon so it doesnt too influential to our character. But the advantage is we will gain more defense on our ability.

7. Dagger Job Skill
The newest job skill is dagger
This skill is one of the fastest basic attack and coolest action on it
Because this job skill is new, the record skill of dagger is'nt much as other skills

I hope you guys can choose what is your best and suitable weapon job skill then you can continue the game until 100 floor without doubt anymore😀

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